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What are 250 spine and 350 spine arrows?

by Yesuraj G

In archery, the "spine" of an arrow refers to its stiffness or flexibility. This characteristic is crucial because it affects how the arrow behaves when shot from a bow. The spine rating of an arrow is determined by how much the arrow shaft deflects when a specific weight is suspended from its center. The lower the spine number, the stiffer the arrow.

Here’s a detailed explanation of the two spine ratings mentioned:

250 Spine Arrow:

  • A 250 spine arrow is relatively stiff.
  • It deflects less under the same amount of force compared to arrows with higher spine numbers.
  • This type of arrow is suitable for use with more powerful bows that have higher draw weights.
  • Archers with bows that generate more energy will benefit from a stiffer arrow as it will maintain its flight path more accurately.

350 Spine Arrow:

  • A 350 spine arrow is less stiff compared to a 250 spine arrow.
  • It deflects more under the same amount of force.
  • This arrow type is designed for use with bows of medium draw weights.
  • It offers a balance between flexibility and stiffness, making it versatile for many archers.

Why Spine Matters:

  • Dynamic Spine: When an arrow is shot, it bends and oscillates. The way it bends is influenced by its spine. A proper spine match ensures the arrow flies straight and true.
  • Arrow Flight: Using an arrow that is too stiff or too flexible for your bow can lead to erratic flight patterns, reducing accuracy.
  • Safety: An improperly spined arrow can be dangerous. If the arrow is too weak (too flexible), it might break upon release, potentially causing injury.

In summary:

  • 250 Spine: Stiffer, suitable for higher draw weight bows.
  • 350 Spine: More flexible than 250, suitable for medium draw weight bows.

Choosing the correct spine for your arrows depends on your bow's draw weight, your draw length, and the type of shooting you intend to do. Always refer to manufacturer charts and guidelines or consult with an experienced archery professional when selecting arrows.


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