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Is it legal to buy bow in India?

by Prathap Stalin

Yes, it is generally legal to buy and own a bow in India, as bows are not classified as firearms or weapons under the Arms Act of 1959. However, there are some important considerations:

  1. Purpose: Bows are typically allowed for sports, hunting (in some regions), and recreational archery. India has a growing community of archery enthusiasts, and bows are commonly used in sports and competitions.

  2. State Regulations: Some states may have specific regulations regarding the use of bows in public areas or for hunting, so it is always a good idea to check local laws or seek guidance from local authorities if you plan to use a bow for hunting or outside a controlled environment.

  3. Import/Export: If you're looking to import a bow or purchase one from abroad, there might be restrictions or customs regulations regarding the import of archery equipment, so it's good to check with the relevant authorities.

  4. Hunting Restrictions: Hunting with a bow is not widely legal across India. Many forms of hunting are banned under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. You would need specific permissions if it's allowed in your area.

If you're interested in purchasing a bow for sports or archery, you can usually do so from sports equipment shops or online retailers without any major legal hurdles. Just ensure that it's used in a safe and designated environment.


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